
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions

What is "Diaro - diary writing"?
"Diaro - diary writing" is a passcode protected diary / journal / note writing app for Android, which provides a quick and easy way to record your life moments.

How many entries I can add throughout the day?
It is unlimited. You can add as many entries as you want.

Is there a way to edit entries?
Just tap on desired entry in the entries list to view full diary entry and in menu tap Edit diaro button.

Is "Diaro" free?
Yes. It is totally free to use on any cellphone with Android 1.5 OS or higher.

Is "Diaro - diary writing" app password protected?
Yes, it is

Is there any way I can save my entries to a PC or Flash drive?
You can backup all of your diary entries in an xml format file which can be later used for personal backup or by restoring diary entries in another android phone. XML (diaroexport.xml) file is stored in the main memory card directory till version 1.33. Later all backup files are stored in Diaro/backup memory card directory.

Can this be synced with my gmail account?
Not yet. Check our app updates later to see if it is in our "to do" list.

Can i change font color or background of view entry?
Not yet. Check our app updates later to see if it is in our "to do" list.

Can i use T9 in the app?
Yes, you can. Just select T9 while typing text.

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